• 00Days Until Next Election!

Community Meetings

3rd Wednesdays

Democratic Party

Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee


Indispensable information on bills in the Arizona Legislature. They also publish a fantastic guide on making your voices heard on the Arizona Legislature’s Request to Speak (RTS) system.

The Indivisible Project’s mission is to cultivate a grassroots movement of literally thousands local Indivisible groups to elect progressive leaders, realize bold progressive policies, rebuild our democracy.

“We bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful state and local laws that fix our broken elections and stop political bribery. Our strategy is central to dismantling the root causes of inequities in our democracy, and ending political corruption, extremism and gridlock.”

Other Entities

Register to vote online:

The ACLU is our nation’s guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone.

Extensive information regarding elections in Maricopa County. Including but not limited to:

  • Election Calendar
  • What voting districts do you live in.
  • What’s on your ballot.
  • Where to vote.
  • Sign up to the Active Early Voting List (AEVL).
  • What is the status of your ballot (Get text updates as your ballot is processed!).

Mission Possible
Turn LD2 and Arizona Blue in 2024!

We are on a mission to turn Legislative District 2 and the state of Arizona Blue this year, but we need your help! The plan is to create a “golden ticket” (slate of candidates) and get that golden ticket in the hands of all Democrats and left-leaning Independents and Republicans in LD2. We’ll text the thousands of voters who have a phone number in the VAN, but that leaves us with many thousands more Democratic, Independent, and non-MAGA Republican voters who we must reach via mail.

Studies indicate that direct personal mail is the most effective way to reach voters, and we know this year’s ballot will be overwhelming with all the propositions. Other legislative districts that have used the golden ticket (slate cards) have received positive feedback from voters, and we will, too, but we’ve got to get the golden ticket in LD2 voters’ hands.