About LD2


Legislative District 2 Democrats (LD2) is the official Democratic organization of the Maricopa County Democratic Party for residents living in LD-2. We are “the boots on the ground” for the Democratic Party.

  • Total Population: 246,674
  • Total Voting Age Population: 192,714
  • Vote Spread: 3.80%
  • Leaning: Republican
  • Competitiveness: Highly Competitive

CLICK HERE to locate your Legislative District and Precinct by Address.


To grow LD2 through outreach & social events, cultivating our PCs and volunteers through training & mentoring opportunities, educating our community, increasing AEVL participation in each precinct, and locating qualified Democratic candidates.


LD2 works to elect Democrats to public office who embrace the values of the Democratic Party. To further this mission, the LD2 Democrats:

  • Work to increase the number of registered Democrats.
  • Recruit, train, and promote registered Democrats as candidates for elected office, support their campaigns, and assists them in office.
  • Work for and promotes accurate, transparent, and fair elections.
  • Raise funds to support the above activities and to advance our mission.
  • Conduct other activities as appropriate to strengthen and promote the aims and objectives of the Democratic Party.
  • Work to Get Out the Vote.