“The fighting blue LD2!”

LD24 Rep. Analise Ortiz - Canvass launch Sept 8, 2024

Becoming a PC

What Is a Precinct Committee Person?

If “all politics is local,” then this is where democracy really happens.

The role of Precinct Committee Person (PC) is at the core of political party activity it’s our ground game. As a PC, you are a representative of the Arizona Democratic Party in your precinct, or neighborhood. Elections are truly won or lost in precincts, especially in Maricopa County, and PCs are vital to ensuring strong Democratic support for Democratic candidates and issues.

PCs are elected during the Primary election and serve a two-year term. PCs can also be appointed by the LD Chair. Any registered Democrat is eligible to be a PC in the precinct where she/he lives as long as they are willing to do the work.

The primary role of the PCs for each precinct is to work together; to serve as the connection between the Democratic Party, the voters and our Democratic elected officials; and to represent your entire precinct within the Party.

Some of the duties of a PC:

  • Educate Yourself – Stay informed on local current issues and candidates.
  • Attend Meetings – Attend the monthly meetings of Legislative District (LD) 2. They occur the third Wednesday of the month, 6:30 to 8:00 PM.  (Zoom & In Person).
  • Get Trained – Attend training sessions to improve skills and effectiveness as a PC. Learn how to use the VAN (Voter Activation Network) maintained by the Maricopa County Democratic Party to create walking and phone banking lists.
  • Support Candidates – Support nominees of the Democratic Party and educate voters in your precinct about the Democratic Party, its nominees, and Democratic issues.
  • Canvass – Build relationships with Democrats in your precinct by door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, and/or organizing informational gatherings to share information regarding Democratic candidate, issues or values.
  • Recruit Others – Recruit and maintain contact with precinct volunteers to assist with GOTV and other Democratic Party activities such as door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, and/or informational gatherings.
  • Collect Information – Collect contact information from Democrats in your precinct, helping MCDP and LD2 reach Democratic voters.
  • Promote the AEVL (Active Early Voting List) – Inform voters in your precinct about the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) and encourage signing up.
  • GOTV (Get Out The Vote) – Help GOTV (get out the vote) on Election Day (and when possible, throughout the 72 hours preceding Election Day).
  • Donate – Participate in our district’s donation program at any amount or recruit a willing donor.