Your donations help us pay the bills! Websites, flyers, meeting rooms, software, office, etc.
GENERAL FUND DONATIONWe have a chance once again to make a real impact in our district - donate today and help us reach as many of our neighbors as possible in this cycle.
LD2 Dems is an all-volunteer organization; every dollar you contribute goes directly toward electing more Democrats.
Buy a roll of stamps for us!
½ ROLL $34FULL ROLL $68Help us engage young Democrats in the political process. They are the future of Democracy! info
INTERNSHIP DONATIONAt the most we only send one LD2 Newsletter per week plus occasional messages from our team when needed.
Join us every 3rd Wednesday for LD2 Monthly Community Meetings.
To attend virtually, please register using the button below.
Paid for by AZ LD 2 Dems.
Authorized by AZ LD 2 Dems.
1301 E. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034
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