Arizona Needs YOU!

We are experiencing a tremendous shift in Arizona politics, particularly in Maricopa County right now. This means that what we build today in LD2 will determine how quickly we will turn Arizona blue.

With our eyes on the future, Legislative District 2 Democrats (LD2) are building a formidable grassroots organization that will deliver essential ground operations to Democratic candidates at all levels-local, state, and national.


Together we can make Arizona thrive!

Meet your neighbors

Become a volunteer neighborhood leader or help your neighborhood leaders by knocking on doors or making phone calls.

Host An Event!

Host a house party to educate your friends or neighbors on the issues.
Or host an event to raise money for LD2.

Become a PC

The role of the Precinct Committeeman (PC) is at the core of political party activity; it’s our ground game. As a PC, you are a representative of the Democratic Party in your precinct, or neighborhood.


Little monthly donations can really add up! Please consider making a donation to your LD2!

Not Sure?

With so many ways to take action it's hard to decide what to do.
For now, please subscribe to our newsletter & stop in for a monthly meeting or two.
Links at the bottom of every page.